What's there to do in the great outdoors? Here we've got a bevy of local outdoor activities and destinations to explore.
Ice climbing in the Badrock Canyon a good primer to the sport
To most, the bitter cold temps of mid-winter in the Flathead are a burden, but for a handful of dedicated climbers…
Grizzly mortality in NCDE was low in 2024
The number of known grizzly bear deaths in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem for 2024 was well below 2023.
FWP prepares new Wolf Management Plan
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will prepare an environmental impact statement and conduct public scoping on a proposed action to develop a new wolf managemen…
Rosendale introduces bill to delist region’s grizzly bears
Montana Congressman Matt Rosendale has introduced legilation that would remove the grizzly bear from the Endangered Species List in the Northern Continental Di…
Howe Ridge fire creates forest transformation
Two years ago the Howe Ridge Fire burned about 14,500 acres in Glacier National Park. The fire was infamous for its damage to Kelly’s Camp along the shores of …
Climate change, habitat loss threaten iconic bird species
Etched in the early score of Beethoven’s “Pastoral Symphony” are the names of several birds whose songs are reminiscent of various instruments in the piece’s s…
More hunting could be had at local refuges
The federal government has made a proposal to increase hunting and fishing chances on wildlife refuges across the country, including two in Western Montana.
Somers Beach comment period extended
The comment period for the proposed Somers Beach state park along Flathead Lake’s north shore has been extended to Wednesday.
Nonresident boaters will need new pass before launching in Montana
Nonresident boaters and anglers visiting Montana will see new rules regarding aquatic invasive species this year, including a fee reduction for anglers.
Nonresident boaters will need new pass before launching in Montana
Nonresident boaters and anglers visiting Montana will see new rules regarding aquatic invasive species this year, including a fee reduction for anglers.
142 animals test positive for Chronic Wasting Disease
The 2019 sampling for chronic wasting disease began April 1 and ceased near the end of January. Among other results the testing yielded Montana’s first detecti…
Flathead warns about Coram forest
Flathead National Forest would like to remind the public there are additional protection measures in effect in the Coram Experimental Forest to preserve long-term research efforts in the area.
Author says wilderness experience still exists in National Parks
Whitefish author and adventurer Becky Lomax says there’s a place to experience wilderness where one doesn’t expect it: our national parks.
Canyon Ferry restrictions lifted
Restrictions on Canyon Ferry reservoir boat launches have been removed allowing all boaters to access all boat ramps this year, Montana Fish, wildlife and Parks has announced. FWP says it sought to remove the launc…
Of lynx and fire
It didn’t take long for biologists to discern which animals left behind the first few sets of snowy tracks.