Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Hungry Horse News? See below to view their letters.
Opinion: Christman recalls flood
The Great Flood of 1964 had a profound effect upon my life. In fact, in my stories of “Tales of a Misspent Youth,…
Thoughts on transgender bill
Regarding HB 112, the debate over limiting transgender kids in sports needs to become a conversation of how do we include kids who are unique, instead of how can we ban kids we don’t understand.
Thoughts on Blankenship
Finally, the Blankenship fiasco is getting the attention it deserves, as what went on last year, is an obvious contradiction to the meaning and intent of The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. While many have expressed an…
Church says thanks
I am writing to let your readers know that the members of Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety have granted another community request. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is a recipient of a grant to place a…
Weighs in on school board election
Please take five minutes to cast your vote for our local school board and properly mail in your ballot. A big thanks is owed to the Hungry Horse News for their recent article that profiled and interviewed each of t…
Thoughts on CFAC
During their April 19, 2021, meeting the Columbia Falls City Council received a 24-page slide presentation from Glencore’s environmental consultant Roux and their subsidiary Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. explaining t…
Dismayed about Sun Road plan
As a long-time landowner in the North Fork, I am dismayed by Glacier National Park’s recent announcement to require ticketed entry at the Camas Entry into the Park.
Crossfit is good for downtown
They lent thousands of dollars of equipment (their investment, their business) to their athletes with a simple contract that we would return their belongings when we could all return to the gym. They did this, not …
Attack on voting
The Republicans throughout the country are proposing a cure for a disease that in reality does not exist. It is a result of the mis/disinformation of the Big Lie. if I may quote a recent letter to the editor: a lie…
War on Wildlife?
We are Montana residents and professional wildlife biologists and managers with a total of 1,561 years of experience in wildlife management and wildlife habitat management. Among us are 16 retired employees of Mont…
Blankenship should be addressed
I was surprised the U. S. Forest Service for a second year is willing to continue to allow unlimited and uncontrolled camping along the Flathead River in the Blankenship area.
Mitchell talks session
We are officially halfway through the 67th legislative session, and we are fulfilling the Conservative-Republican mandate that House District 3 and Montanan’s set in November.
Jordan critical of Mitchell
So far, 32 of those Republican peers have pulled their sponsorship from the bill. Others said they’d consider supporting the bill if it were extended to include other groups. Mitchell appeared adamant that the legi…
Critical of Mitchell
It appears that our new representative in Helena has focused his legislative efforts on high school sports, road kill, and helping communities over 500 miles away to keep their 50-year-old coal power plants operati…
Librarian responds to mask protests
I’ve heard some concerns about the mask requirement at the library and I’d like to share my thinking as library director with you.
Thoughts on CFAC
As expected, the draft feasibility study for the cleanup of the former aluminum smelter site near Columbia Falls, Montana, calls for leaving hazardous materials on the property even though potliner contaminated wit…