Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
Opinion: Christman recalls flood
The Great Flood of 1964 had a profound effect upon my life. In fact, in my stories of “Tales of a Misspent Youth,…
Thoughts on transgender bill
Regarding HB 112, the debate over limiting transgender kids in sports needs to become a conversation of how do we include kids who are unique, instead of how can we ban kids we don’t understand.
Opinion: Thanks to Frank and other tales
The thing about nasty spring weather like we had recently is that you end up seeing birds that you might not normally see in Glacier National Park.
On Oatie
It is really spring when local talk turns to bears and the road. For sure the bears are up and awake. There have been numerous reports of folks seeing a nonthreatening grizzly bear. Probably the same bear being see…
Thoughts on Blankenship
Finally, the Blankenship fiasco is getting the attention it deserves, as what went on last year, is an obvious contradiction to the meaning and intent of The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. While many have expressed an…
Church says thanks
I am writing to let your readers know that the members of Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety have granted another community request. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is a recipient of a grant to place a…
Weighs in on school board election
Please take five minutes to cast your vote for our local school board and properly mail in your ballot. A big thanks is owed to the Hungry Horse News for their recent article that profiled and interviewed each of t…
Thoughts on CFAC
During their April 19, 2021, meeting the Columbia Falls City Council received a 24-page slide presentation from Glencore’s environmental consultant Roux and their subsidiary Columbia Falls Aluminum Co. explaining t…
North Fork planning
At the last meeting of the North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee (LUAC) it was no surprise that they unanimously accepted the text amendment proposed by the very positive findings of the Flathead County Planning O…
Dismayed about Sun Road plan
As a long-time landowner in the North Fork, I am dismayed by Glacier National Park’s recent announcement to require ticketed entry at the Camas Entry into the Park.
About Milk
Milk was invented so we could have strong bones as well as Tom and Jerries, but too many of us take milk for granted.
North Fork planning
The Land Use Advisory Committee and the text amendment subcommittee have been busier than one-armed paper hangers all winter. They have studied the existing conditional uses and permitted uses and consulted with th…
Mitchell updates on session
In Helena, there are two things on everyone’s mind: the budget and implementation of I-190 which legalized recreational marijuana.
Catchy quotes
A Classic G. George Ostrom column from 1992, talking about Elmer Searle, a longtime hiking companion and member of the Over the Hill Gang.
Thoughts on commercial use
In Columbia Falls the grass is greening up and at Trail Creek the snow is melting and we have patches of mud. Soon the creeks will rise and turn muddy and mosquitoes will start whining as they search for fresh bloo…
Crossfit is good for downtown
They lent thousands of dollars of equipment (their investment, their business) to their athletes with a simple contract that we would return their belongings when we could all return to the gym. They did this, not …