Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Hungry Horse News? See below to view their letters.
Opinion: Christman recalls flood
The Great Flood of 1964 had a profound effect upon my life. In fact, in my stories of “Tales of a Misspent Youth,…
Wants debates
My concern is a number of candidates have opted out of several debates offered by various media outlets in Montana. Mr. Zinke, Mr. Daines and Mr. Mitchell to name the obvious ones.
Democrat or not?
In the Hungry Horse News in August, Democratic candidate for Flathead County Commissioner Stacey Schnebel said, “I have no use for party politics.”
Likes Mitchell
Please join me in supporting conservative Republican candidate Phil Mitchell for Flathead County Commissioner.
Likes Schnebel
Stacey Schnebel a is a rare find these days — a candidate who’s running for office because she wants to serve the people and make a positive difference for her community.
Playground bully
Ever since I saw the political insert by Republican U.S. House candidate Ryan Zinke in the newspaper, I have been upset and appalled by the tone of that flier.
Wants a debate
I’m sure everybody recognizes the subject here:
Wants a debate
As a Montana voter, I make decisions about political candidates based on their transparency of what they think is best for our great state.
Media filth
Media has been used throughout the decades to manipulate. If you watch TV or movies, you should be incredibly concerned and disturbed.
Supports Curtis
Before being selected Aug. 16 by the Montana Democratic Party to be the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, State Rep. Amanda Curtis said in her nominating speech, “This election could decide who controls the U.S…
Supports Schnebel
Stacey Schnebel will make an outstanding Flathead County Commissioner. In discussions with groups around the county, she has demonstrated her desire to listen to all points of view and represent the interests of co…
World Series
The Dull family, Lonne, Debbie, Dallas and Austin, would like to say congratulations to the Glacier Babe Ruth All Stars for making it to the World Series.
Supports Daines
I, Jayne Tienken, am supporting the candidacy of Steve Daines because he is commited to upholding the basic tenets of the Republican Party: Accountability, responsibility, separation of the branches of our governme…
On the Ten Commandments Park
My husband and I moved here about five years ago. He is retired, and while I am still working, I look forward to when we can spend most of our time together, outdoors, enjoying this beautiful valley.
Party lines
“Cal Scott crosses party lines to endorse Democrat as successor.” And are we surprised? Some of us who did our research knew all along Cal Scott was not a Republican.
Federal lands
Earlier in July, my husband and I had the opportunity, along with many others, to enjoy the beauty of Glacier National Park once again. Every summer, we venture up to Glacier to spend a few days to enjoy this bless…