Friday, March 28, 2025

The Blotter: Dog after chickens

| March 19, 2025 7:30 AM

Feb. 25

A woman who was divorcing her husband said he took her coat when she tried to leave and ended up with her phone, which was in a pocket. She was able to get her phone back. Reckless drivers on Nucleus, may have been chasing each other. 

Feb. 26

Male student was “pants” by other students, fully exposing him. The perps received in-school suspension and family did not want to press further charges. Police were on the search for a male who apparently grabbed a woman by the neck.

Feb. 27

A woman claimed scammers were posing as police trying to get her money. Woman said she was almost side-swiped in a road rage incident that started in the canyon.

Feb. 28

Man was throwing food around at a grocery store and was aggressive toward other customers. A stolen four-wheeler may have been spotted.

March 1

Report of dogs being strangled. But police said the dogs seemed fine. A woman was nabbed on a warrant.

March 2

Dog trying to kill woman’s chickens. Owner of dog was cited. Chickens survived. Report of wife being abusive toward the kids and her husband. Report of someone using a b.b. gun to shoot at a vehicle. Man may have stabbed himself.

March 3

Kids riding dirt bikes on sidewalks. Kids smoking pot at tennis courts. They were caught.

March 4

Car with hatchback open. Turns out the owner was just cleaning it. A male with multiple traffic warrants was detained.

March 5

A person threatened to shoot some kids if they didn’t leave him alone.

March 6

No report

March 7

Police arrested a man after a domestic disturbance.

March 8

Report of disorderly female teens. Kids were skateboarding on the closed skateboard park. They were advised they could have to pay for damages if it was damaged, as the surface doesn’t have its finish. Male on dirt bike cruising through Ruder Elementary playground.

March 9

Report of kids playing football. Caller thought they were drunk. They were not.

March 10

A man called police about a neighbor’s tree growing over his fence. Report of a red truck that almost hit a light pole and another car on Highway 2.

March 11

T-bone wreck on Highway 2. A woman called that a train went through a crossing just after she made it through and was worried the arms weren’t working right. Kids in a car in just bathing suits on Spyglass Hill Loop.

March 12

Report of two trucks speeding on Sixth Avenue.

March 13

Teens reported speeding on Sixth Avenue; caller she said she was going to sue the school if things didn’t get better. Report of a woman cussing at someone named Timothy.

March 14

Report of trash being thrown in a yard on Fourth Avenue; caller said they found an open box of juice in their mailbox. Report of a male flooding his jail cell.

March 15

A driver had to wait at a city park for a ride after they were found not to have a valid driver’s license. A thief tried to leave a store and was caught. A rig was driving head on at another driver on Highway 2 in the canyon. Was stopped by police and arrested.

March 16

A person had to jump out of the way after a person in a Tahoe drove up on the walkway and then kept going. Pedestrian got its license plate, however. A girl accidentally dropped her sweatshirt in the road. Police put on their lights to stop traffic so she could retrieve it.