Monday, March 17, 2025

Skiing Calf Robe a fun challenge

by Seth Anderson/Story and Photos
| January 22, 2025 1:25 AM

The familiar rime-clad mountains of Marias Pass took turns revealing their snowy summits through a thickening cloud layer.  We began our journey on backcountry skis from the southern end of the Marias Pass area along the southeastern boundary of Glacier National Park  through a fresh foot of new snow.  Crossing the railroad tracks and passing through a fenced gate had us on our way as the next westbound train honked and waved, a welcoming omen.  

Cresting above the forested trail, we began working our way up a series of gullies to reach the lower flanks of Calf Robe Mountain. Its minor cliff band guarding the mountain’s southern flank was all we could see of the great peak, its upper reaches still shrouded in a thick cloud layer.  

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