Friday, July 26, 2024

The Blotter: Kids back to breaking fences

| March 20, 2024 2:00 AM

March 9

A man reported damage to his car’s windshield, possibly from a BB gun. No injuries were reported in an accident off River Road where the driver ran a stop sign and hit the guard rail. Harassment was reported off Ninth Street when the driver of a Ford F150 followed the caller into the Super 1 parking lot yelling profanities and followed him into the store, continuing to yell. A motor vehicle accident on River Road, where the truck lost a tire, resulted in a two-inch gash on the driver’s head. A four wheeler driver was reported trespassing on private property on Ninth Street. 

March 10

A woman threw a pint glass of beer on a man at a Nucleus Avenue bar, a disorderly was reported and the man requested an ambulance. Male juveniles were reported jumping from an SUV to damage a picket fence on Hilltop Road.

March 11

Off Highway 40, a woman reported she was being stalked and having checks stolen from her mail. A runaway juvenille female was reported on Martha Road, found. A loose dog with a broken leg was reported on Twelfth Avenue. On Fourth Avenue, a different dog was reported chasing chickens. Repeated reckless driving was reported on a 1980s yellow Chevy on Dorothy Street. A mountain lion was reported seen on Riparian Drive. 

March 15

A car was reported gone through on Nucleus Avenue, nothing stolen. A caller, self-identified as Mexican, reported continued racist issues with a white man with shoulder length gray hair driving a red Buick.