Friday, July 26, 2024

Board concerns

by Jacque Demongin
| March 20, 2024 2:00 AM

Editor’s note: The following was sent to city leaders last month.

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to share some concerns about the recent appointment of Darin Fisher to the new planning commission.

I’m disappointed to see Mr. Fisher on the commission, especially after he was voted off the council due to his support of corrupt developers east of the river. It feels like a step backward for our community’s efforts toward responsible growth and fair representation. I’m genuinely surprised this aspect wasn’t given more consideration.

Also, if another application comes in for the planning commission, would you consider adding a fifth member? 

On another note, could you confirm that the new planning commission will only be making decisions within city limits? 

Thank you,

Jacque Demongin

Columbia Falls