City will go ahead with affordable housing project
The Columbia Falls City Council last week decided to go ahead with an affordable housing project on Railroad Street on what is now a baseball field.
City Manager Susan Nicosia presented options for a replacement ball field in cooperation with the school district. Land is available by the bus outlet at Columbia Falls Junior High School on Veterans Drive, previously used for gym, which already has a backstop. Other potential sites include the fields between the Junior High and Ruder Elementary or at the high school by the softball field or football concession stand. Parking would be available at all locations. The backstop on Railroad Street could be moved to avoid extra expenses.
The council, in turn, unanimously decided to move forward with amendments to their growth policy map, which currently has the ballpark zoned as park land, to change the city-owned Railroad Street lot to housing. This summer, the Railroad Street field would still be available for use as the proposed change goes through the planning board and back through council, with opportunity for public comment at each hearing.
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