Friday, March 14, 2025

Church Women donate $639K from Klothes Kloset sale

Photographer | March 6, 2024 2:00 AM

After selling the Klothes Kloset for $639,000 in December, Church Women United has turned right back around and given that money to 36 local nonprofits — and $165,000 of it to the Columbia Falls School District.

Church Women United President Betty Henneberg reached out to District 6 Superintendent Cory Dziowgo asking about the possibility of donating. 

“We started off talking about big projects, and she just kept asking questions about how they could help,” Dziowgo said. 

In the end, $20,000 was donated to the Academic Endowment, $15,000 to CFCAT endowment, $10,000 to the Special Olympics, $20,000 as a mini grant for teachers and $100,000 to be used on the Ruder Elementary School playground and high school welding facility improvements. 

“The school, the kids, are a big thing for us. We wanted to help them as much as we could, so we did,” Henneberg said. We were so thankful and blessed for all the support we had from the community at the Klothes Kloset, their donations and support, this is a way we felt like we could give back.”

Other Columbia Falls organizations that received donations include the Columbia Falls Fire Department, Montana Veterans Home, LIONs Club, Rotary Club, Columbia Falls History Museum, and Glacier National Park Conservancy. The Samaritan House and Flathead Energy Share were also included in the extensive list. 

“We are very grateful for the countless times that Klothes Kloset and Church Women United have supported our school district. It gave me chills when I reviewed the donation amounts. I wished I had given Betty a hug,” Dziowgo said.