Saturday, September 07, 2024

Event looks at ways to make things better in Guatemala

| July 24, 2024 8:25 AM

There will be a special event at the Northwest Montana History Museum in Kalispell July 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Learn about low-cost approaches to improving health, education, and income in rural Guatemala, while also reducing illegal migration. Featured Speakers include:

 Linda Carlson, PhD - Rotary International Board of Directors. From Canyon City, Colorado, she has extensive experience empowering women to create menstrual products locally, enabling girls to attend school as equitably as boys, creating STEM curriculum.

She has worked in Nepal, Senegal, Iceland, India, and is now assisting Los Buenos Vecinos, The Good Neighbors, in their work in the coastal highlands of Guatemala. 

Serena Keller of Bigfork will share her recent service project experience to Guatemala. And discuss the upcoming Pad Party, where women from the U.S. will teach educators and mothers in Guatemala about creating menstrual products locally, continuing the work Buenos Vecinos has begun. 

Pamela Arriaga and Virginia Alvarez - Education Director, Los Buenos Vecinos have delivered over 230 WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) teaching sessions. Medical workers and educators attest the efforts of Los Buenos Vecinos have positively impacted the health and well-being of the communities they serve. 

Guatemalans Paola Morente, Ariceli Marroquin, and Claudia Perez, Katie Ramirez will demonstrate backstrap weaving. This traditional craft is an integral part of the cultural heritage and a source of income for many indigenous women. 

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