Saturday, January 18, 2025

Attend planning commission

by Shirley Folkwein
| April 3, 2024 2:00 AM

The new Columbia Falls Planning Commission meets on Thursday, April 11 at 6 p.m. in City Hall.  Monthly meetings will continue on the second Thursdays of the month.  The agenda topic for the 11th is the public participation plan. These are public meetings and are of crucial importance to all folks living within the city limits.

Remember when Senate Bill 382, the Land Use Planning Act, was passed by the Montana Legislature in 2023?  The purpose was to streamline the planning and approval process for developers and city governments.  

That means, as far as future development in Columbia Falls city limits, ALL the public involvement starts NOW, in this first 12-18 months when the Planning Commission is organizing, drafting a Growth Policy, conducting a housing assessment—putting into place a future development plan for Columbia Falls.  No longer will Columbia Falls residents be able to speak up/influence individual developments.  Folks — it’s now or never!  Your voices are important at these meetings in the next year or two and at the public hearings called to approve their work.  Put these second Thursday of the month meetings on your calendar, just like a Rotary or Lions Club meeting, church, Friday night out with friends.  Your voice is important.

Shirley Folkwein

Upper Flathead Neighborhood Association