Friday, July 26, 2024

Newcomer Price takes council seat

| November 15, 2023 2:00 AM

Challenger Kathryn Price edged incumbent Darin Fisher in the Columbia Falls city council election last week. Price received 569 votes, while Fisher received 423 to take the third opening on the council. Kelly (Hamilton) King received the most votes with 678, while incumbent John Piper received 668.

This was King’s first election. She had previously been appointed to council when longtime councilor Doug Karper resigned and moved out of state.

The Hungry Horse News did receive one complaint from a two voters who said they were unable to vote in the election as they didn’t receive a ballot.

Apparently there was redistricting error on the northeast side of the city that left their home out. The county elections department did not return a call seeking comment on the error, which apparently stems back to 2021.

The residents confirmed they were in the city limits and were paying city taxes.

The ballot was mail-in only so the residents said they were unable to vote in person on election day.