Friday, May 10, 2024

Defends Chisholm

| November 24, 2021 6:55 AM

This letter is in response to Judy Territo’s op-ed posted to the Hungry Horse News website on Nov. 17.

I found Ms. Territo’s claim that “Mr. Chisholm is arrogant and disrespectful to people of this community and other school board members” to be somewhat perplexing. She certainly does not speak for me, and I personally do not agree with her assumption. Furthermore, I suspect that there are many other community members who feel as I do. I attended the November meeting where Ms. Territo and one other person attempted to engage the board in a question and answer session during public comment regarding an issue that was not on the meeting’s agenda. Mr. Chisholm professionally and courteously notified them that this was not the time nor the place to discuss this particular topic with the board. Additionally, he explained to the audience what to do when one wishes to get an item on the agenda of a future meeting. Mr. Chisholm also encouraged anyone with specific concerns to first reach out to the school’s principal or administration or the district superintendent, as oftentimes issues can be resolved at this level without having to involve the board. His explanation clearly illuminated the process, and I appreciated gaining a better understanding.

As an aside, I know on good authority that one of the more recent Social Emotional Learning (SEL) courses focused on teaching seventh grade students about gratitude and being grateful. These classes are taught for a half hour each Wednesday. I am not exactly sure what is so controversial about SEL, and I welcome the opportunity for my sixth grader to experience these types of lessons.

Erick Robbins

Columbia Falls