Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Blotter: Grandma Sets Off Son's House Alarm

| January 27, 2021 7:00 AM

Jan. 18

Reports of neighborhood streets coated in solid ice. An interested citizen had questions about becoming a police officer. Someone had questions about removing the parked vehicle of someone who had passed away. A vehicle broke down at a traffic light. Complaints of loud music. A man living in a garage was assaulted by the homeowner; he was pushed out the entrance and had the door slammed on his foot.

Jan. 19

A woman attempting to enter her grown son’s house while he was away set off the alarm; it would have to be reset once his plane landed. Someone gave out their Social Security number on what ended up being a fraudulent call received from India. An out of control elementary student was picked up by his parents.

Jan. 20

Someone requested help catching a husky that had jumped the fence. High school kids on their lunch break were peeling out and hitting people’s garbage cans. Someone requested to talk to a female officer, hoping her interaction with police would be less biased than previous ones.

Jan. 21

A schizophrenic grandson punched through a computer screen, hit his grandmother and held her phone so she couldn’t call authorities after she told him his sleeves were dragging in his food. Someone outside the Columbia Bar witnessed a hit-and-run. A drunk man was refusing to leave an establishment.

Jan. 22

Someone with a wrench smashed out a person’s driver-side passenger window. A woman stated she was missing money after her vehicle was towed. The United Honor Guard called to warn police they would be shooting off three volleys. A woman received a fraudulent letter with a card that claimed it was her stimulus money. A woman asked the police for a ride back home.

Jan. 23

Reports of a hit and run. A woman reportedly stalked a male to his aunt’s house, where he was staying. A woman with a temporary restraining order issued against her was wondering what to do with her children’s things. Reports of a commercial burglary. A vehicle parked on the no-parking side of the street. People started fighting in the parking lot of a tattoo parlor.

Jan. 24

A daughter wanted people removed from her mother’s property. A man who’d been lying in the cold for hours needed emergency medical care.