Sunday, June 02, 2024

Fishel says thanks

| January 9, 2019 8:04 AM

My name is Lindsey Fishel and I just want to send out a much appreciated thank you to everyone that supported me through my recent illness. On Nov. 11, I was diagnosed with Guillian Barre Syndrome. This syndrome happens when our antibodies attacks our nervous system instead of a virus in our body. I woke up that morning with heaviness in my legs and arms and by 6 p.m. that evening was submitted to ICU. Within two days I was completely paralyzed and had to be intubated so I could breathe. With the help of my family and friends many things were put in place to help with medical and financial needs. The school district hosted a spaghetti feed in which many community members attended to help raise funds for our family. Along with the spaghetti feed, a GoFundMe account was also set up, and other generous donations were given.

I just want to say thank you to everyone that helped me and my family during this very difficult and scary time of my life. I am very blessed in that I was able to walk out of the hospital on my own in 5 1/2 weeks. I know many others spend a much longer time and I thank God and all the prayers that were sent on my behalf. Myself and family are very blessed and overwhelmed by the generosity of our community, family, and many anonymous givers. Currently, I continue to receive physical therapy. I can do all things without support, but get fatigued very easily. I know the road ahead will be filled with continual recovery and just want to let everyone know that I wouldn’t be where I am without the support of all of you. Thank you Columbia Falls and Flathead Valley, we are extremely appreciative of that was done me and my family and am at a loss of words for all the support that was given.

Lindsey Fishel