Sunday, June 02, 2024

Dealing with winter

| February 13, 2019 8:08 AM

It seems only a short time ago I was commenting on our “open winter,” very little snow and above normal temperatures. Even the North Fork road was a fright, with water running on an ice surface. It was so slick that the Heaphys chained up all four tires to get to town for snowmobile training with North Valley Search and Rescue. This old fat guy – too lazy to chain up – turned around, went home and waited for it to freeze up and make the road passable.

Did it ever! Now we have had two real cold snaps in a row. Good thing there wasn’t a whole lot of snow or we would still be shoveling. Even so, minus 20 degrees is cold for any winter and it looks like it will be from cold to frigid for the next week or more.

It may even cut attendance at the Interlocal, which is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 20 at the Flathead Forest Supervisor’s office at 10 a.m. That is presupposing the idiots in Washington D.C. don’t shut down the government again. Too cold to meet in the parking lot, but the hot air from the bureaucrats might make that possible.

I continue to support and attend the Interlocal even though it hardly fits what it was supposed to do. The original intent was to address both concerns of private landowners and government agencies. Private concerns are submitted to Director Bill Walker, who has passed them on to the agencies so they can prepare their response. I did not submit any. My concerns have remained the same for several years and, frankly, I am a bit tired of listening to the agencies talk about action soon.

Their idea of soon means anytime in the next 10 years, when costs will be much more than needed when the problem surfaced.

I do hope they report on the Forest Plan, which I support, and give us an update on the River Study. I don’t expect anything on traffic studies, even though some logging truck drivers seem to be in training for the Daytona 500. I have received complaints or observations from at least six locals about trucks going too fast. I have advised these folks to either call the sheriff or go to the logging site and talk to whoever is in charge. In the meantime, drive as if your life depends on defensive driving. Of course, it really does.

After the Interlocal, the Firewise Committee of the Landowners Association will meet to decide on next summer’s educational efforts. Anyone who wishes to attend may do so. Call Allen Chrisman for details. The meeting will be at a restaurant and everyone pays for their own meal.

Stay warm, enjoy the weather and stay safe!

Larry Wilson’s North Fork Views appears weekly in the Hungry Horse News.