Saturday, February 15, 2025

Smalley's gift ideas for 2019

| December 18, 2019 8:32 AM

I’ve used all the items in this year’s list of gift suggestions for outdoorsies on your Christmas list.

In some cases, a brand or model is listed. Be advised there are, no doubt, similar products that work as well.

- Muck boots. Last year, after noting my ice fishing partner’s feet staying dry in Muck Boots in slush, while my Sorel hunting boots were soaked, I bought a pair of Mucks. Pricey, but worth it!

- Waist-high waders. Especially in rivers, I rarely wade above my knees. Waist-highs are easier to hop into and out of a boat and are cooler when hiking.

- Folding wading staff. I’ve worn a FolStaf on my wading belt ever since I face planted in Rock Creek several years ago. When needed, cheap ones are no bargain.

- Boot-foot hip boots. Perfect for launching small boats. Faster than lacing wading boots.

- Tilley wide-brim hat. When my bro gave me a Tilley, he said he had friends who owned five. I’ve got three!

- Lightweight sleeping bag. The Marmot NanoWave 55 stuffs smaller than a loaf of bread and is perfect for most summer nights. Add a blow-up pillow.

- Waterproof smartphone case. Many options available.

- Path of the Puma. Book written by FWP R1 Supervisor Jim Williams. Also available on AudioBook.

- Any book written by Patrick McManus.

- Any trip offered by Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures. Can you say “bucket list?”

Jerry Smalley’s Fishful Thinking column appears weekly in the Hungry Horse News.