Hegel leads senior cards
April 17, 2019 7:08 AM
Shirley Hegel was the top Pinochle player at the North Valley Senior Citizens Center on April 8th with 5,770. Sami Baier was second with 5,740. Joe Voermans was third with 5,700. Marie Trodick and Marvel Lucasl melded 300 Pinochle. Shirley Taber and Joe Voermans melded a round robin. D.J. Lopez won the door prize.
In Cribbage on April 3rd, Allan Wall had the high score with 722 points. Marvel Lucas was second with 698 points. Jean Voermans had the high hand at 24. Bob Veitch had the high crib at 16.
In the Pinochle tournament held at the senior center on April 6th, Doug Kohlbach was first, Joan Werner and Paul Koch tied for second, Carole Marcum was fourth, and Melodie Rowan was fifth.