Sunday, June 02, 2024

C-Falls students host pro-gun walkout

by Jeremy Weber Hungry Horse News
| May 9, 2018 8:53 AM

More than 100 Columbia Falls High School students gathered on the lawn west of the gym Wednesday, May 2 in support of the Second Amendment.

The walkout was part of “Stand of the Second,” a nationwide planned event which saw roughly 400 schools participate around the country. Columbia Falls was the only Montana school which participated.

Toting banners in support of President Donald Trump and the Second Amendment, along with an American flag, the students held a 16-minute walkout.

The walkout follows one that was held on March 14 to honor the victims of the Parkland school shooting in Florida.

In that event, some students held a memorial for the shooting victims, while others memorialized the victims and noted their gun rights.

Both events went off without incident.