Sunday, June 02, 2024

Worries about the Republic and a big birthday bash

| December 26, 2018 7:55 AM

As I sit down to write this column, the government is shut down – again. In the end, when they hammer out a deal, all of the government workers will be paid in full with no monetary loss. A shutdown just provides those workers with more paid vacation, or at worst, a delay in their pay.

We all know it is just a political ploy because our elected officials are doing their jobs. It is a good thing the next election is two years off. If I had to vote today, I would vote against anyone now in office, Democrat or Republican. We will see if any of them can redeem themselves before the next election. Unfortunately, I have had to vote for the lesser of two evils in most recent elections.

I really fear for our future. Our Republic is founded on majority rule with strong provisions to protect the minority. That is why we have the electoral college and that is why it takes 60 votes out of 100 to pass many things in the Senate. People who do not remember that should not be elected to Congress or the Presidency.

Meanwhile, things on the North Fork move along as if there were no idiots in Washington D.C. Social events include folks who are democrats, republicans, socialists, libertarians or whatever and our religious diversity is even greater. (I did not capitalize political parties on purpose).

The seasons roll along and we note little things like weather, the wildlife and the road. We argue all of the above and then we sit down to dinner.

We may lament advancing age, the loss of old friends and other negatives, but we never shut down the government or cut off folks who may need a hand.

By the time this appears in the paper, Christmas will be over, just like the huge party to celebrate Angie Agnew’s 29th birthday, or at least the anniversary of her 29th.

What will be remembered will be the good will and cheer of North Fork friends and neighbors and that we help each other and others as part of who we are.

Merry Christmas, with health and happiness all year round and for years to come.