The Governor's Blurb
Exactly 20 years ago, my life was dominated by work with publishers to get my first book printed and on the market. Naturally, I did a column about it and that is what is printed below...
Publishers want well-known people to contribute comments which can be put on the outside of a book to provoke interest while establishing credibility, and to influence potential buyers who have no knowledge of the author. There was no problem getting nice flattering comments from Mel Ruder and Dr. Gordon Edwards. However, then decided I’d really like a third one to be from our governor, so faxed him a letter:
“Dear Governor, if you enjoy receiving personal requests for favors, especially during the legislature, this letter should tickle you pink.”
I then told a little about the book, the many photos of people climbing the peaks and enjoying “the hidden places in that vast million-acre pleasuring ground,” and ended the letter thusly:
“It would greatly please Montana’s oldest living reporter if the Governor would write just a few words to be used in what the publishers call ‘jacket blurbs.’ These short quotes are designed to make people buy the book, thus bringing great happinesss to the publishers and the author. I’m also asking Dr. Gordon Edwards, author of the Glacier Park Climber’s Guide and renowned scientist, to do a blurb, as well as Mel Ruder, Pulitzer Prize-winning founder of the Hungry Horse News. You would be the only governor.
“If there is any problem for you, I will understand and continue to vote Republican anyway. Thanks for your consideration.
Sincerely, G. George Ostrom”
Two days later, an envelope on governor’s stationery was in our mailbox.
“Dear George: Thank you for your letter. I hope you understand that as the temporary steward of this office, we cannot even appear to be endorsing specific commercial products, even a book that sounds as beautiful as you describe. However, I have no trouble whatsoever endorsing the author.
“George Ostrom is one of Montana’s walking wonders. He has a keen mind and the eyes of a nature lover to match.’
“I wish you good luck with your book and look forward, of course, to our next conversation.
“Warmly, Marc Rocicot — Governor”
Because of his kindness and promptness in this matter, I’ve decided to offer the governor a chance to buy a copy at 10 percent off.
George Ostrom is an award-winning columnist from Kalispell.