Thursday, November 21, 2024

CFAC responds to Berube op-ed

| June 7, 2017 7:58 AM

We were disappointed to see Mr. Nino Berube’s recent comments published in your newspaper on May 24. We believe he is misguided in his assessment and using outdated data and assumptions to make erroneous conclusions. Please go to our web site at for a point-by-point response to Mr. Berube’s letter.

All of us involved in the CFAC remediation effort have been working together to assure the best possible result is obtained for the people in our area, always mindful of our responsibility to be protective of human health and the environment. We have hired the most well-qualified environmental engineers and remediation specialists in the field. All their work—from the ongoing investigation of contamination at the site to development of an appropriate remediation plan—has been under the direct supervision of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Montana Department of Environmental Quality.

As a member of the Community Liaison Panel established to assure the public has an active role in the remediation process, Mr. Berube should be aware of the work being done to identify all the contamination at the site and develop the appropriate strategies to address each and every one of these. When the Community Liaison Panel met April 19, we heard from all involved in the process about the many complex elements to the process and the progress being made.

The purpose of the Community Liaison Panel is to provide a way for local citizens to be directly involved in the remediation process. The panel allows for a representative group of citizens to become immersed in the details of this complex work and we sincerely appreciate the time and effort all the members give. We are committed to keeping them fully informed of our progress, to listening to their concerns and to answering any of their questions. We believe it is vital the public have a role in this process to assure the best outcome.

John Stroiazzo, Project Manager

Columbia Falls Aluminum Co.