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C. Falls Library Association members protest relocation

Hagadone News Network | January 12, 2011 8:31 AM

Members of the Columbia Falls Library Association don’t want to see their library move.

“We strongly support the Columbia Falls library staying at its current location at City Hall,” Carmen Wyman said. “The bottom line is we are happy where we are and it works well.”

Three members of the Columbia Falls Library Association have written a letter condemning a move of the library branch into Glacier Discovery Square. The letter, signed by Wyman, Holly Andersen and Miantae McConnell, was submitted to the City of Columbia Falls.

Flathead County Library Director Kim Crowley has supported the move. So too has the First Best Place Task Force, the owner of Discovery Square.

The letter claims that the members haven’t been in contact with First Best Place or the Flathead County Library.

Barry Conger, director of First Best Place, called the situation a breakdown in communication.

“We were unaware that these three folks had such significant reservations,” he said. “We had not heard from the CFLA about them at all.”

The CFLA is made up of volunteers who raise money for the library and help support the library through purchasing items not in the library budget. They also often work in the library assisting with special programs.

Crowley said she’s not sure the CFLA has voted in opposition to a new library, but rather these three people have concerns.

“I know there are people in the association who do not agree with this (letter),” she said. “I do know that the Columbia Falls Library Association has voted to commit funding for the project, so it is confusing that these people don’t want it to move forward.”

Crowley pointed out that the Flathead County Library Board, which is the governing authority for the library system, is committed to moving the library into Discovery Square.

“They have set aside $100,000 from our capital budget to help with the move,” she said.

The members concerns came to light at the Columbia Falls City Council meeting Jan. 3. Wyman submitted the letter to the council and spoke about her concerns.

Wyman said she was “blindsided” and didn’t know about the plans until recently.

Robert Webb, a member of the association who wasn’t listed on the letter, said he agrees.

“Our concern is we are very comfortable where we are,” he said. “Why would we leave that for the unknown?”

Conger and Crowley have asked the Columbia Falls City Council to write a letter supporting the project to Flathead County commissioners. Both are asking commissioners to contribute $250,000 towards the move.

The council chose to hold off on any recommendation until it can meet with all parties involved. The commissioners haven’t yet voted on the funding request.

Conger said First Best Place is working to meet with the CFLA and address its concerns directly.

“These concerns are very important to us,” he said. “For us, virtually all of the feedback from folks has been positive and supportive. If Discovery Square is to succeed, we’ll need the help and involvement of the whole community. This project was developed by the community and has been built by volunteers, by dedicated supporters, by generous local donations. The completion of the modernization and upgrade of the Discovery Square community center will take the continued hard work of all of us.”