Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Hungry Horse News? See below to view their letters.
Opinion: Christman recalls flood
The Great Flood of 1964 had a profound effect upon my life. In fact, in my stories of “Tales of a Misspent Youth,…
Honored to be a Wildcat
We all have been involved in some sort of sports competition, either playing our favorite sport or cheering for one of our kids from the sidelines. I have been there on both sides and can tell you how caught up in …
Support for write-in Jack Fallon
Are you tired of the Flathead County Commissioners treating Columbia Falls like a dumping ground for projects—like the jail—nobody else wants? Repeatedly attempting to thwart the will of the voters? Treating the co…
Supported special session
When you order a pizza and the total comes to $25 and you hand them a fifty dollar bill, have you ever had the restaurant tell you that they are going to keep your change in case their expenses are higher in the fu…
Supports Repke
Casting a vote in the District 5 Public Service Commission election is a no-brainer.
Opposes hotel
As an adjacent property owner, I oppose to the new Ruis Hotel on Highway 2 East. Here are some reasons:
The case for open primaries
In his farewell address, George Washington, “In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union” warned of the grave dangers of political parties then just developing at the time of his departure from the pres…
Not going away
What a difference a day makes! Thanks to the Hungry Horse News for publishing my letter to the editor Aug. 24th.
Hall says thanks, but more work to be done
Thank you citizens of Columbia Falls.
Mitchell wants special session
Every time an elected official talks about cutting taxes or protecting the taxpayer, most people just gloss over because they have spent a lifetime hearing that exhausted punchline.
Problems still exist, ruling or not
On Friday, July 15, Judge Donald Malloy denied Friends of the Flathead River’s motion for a temporary injunction to prevent camping on the Blankenship gravel bar on the Flathead River.
Problems still exist, ruling or not
On Friday, July 15, Judge Donald Malloy denied Friends of the Flathead River’s motion for a temporary injunction to prevent camping on the Blankenship gravel bar on the Flathead River.
Candidate concerned about PSC
The Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) is again in the news – and as usual, it is not good for Montana ratepayers. In this latest attempt to undermine its legitimacy, the PSC is considering a change of rules t…
Subdivision plan not sensible
The recent passing of Bill Shaw brings to mind Bill being the last farmer to put up the hay from the 49 acres along River Road east of Columbia Falls. Now, that field is destined to become high density three-story…
Concerned about subdivision
As former Mayor of Columbia Falls and Flathead County Commissioner, I was shocked to become aware of a proposed high density subdivision to be located on the corner of River Road and Highway 2, (Just east of the br…
Concerned about subdivision
As former Mayor of Columbia Falls and Flathead County Commissioner, I was shocked to become aware of a proposed high density subdivision to be located on the corner of River Road and Highway 2, (Just east of the br…