Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thoughts on subdivision

| April 12, 2023 2:00 AM

It is inevitable that we are going to have growth in Columbia Falls.   The question is what kind of growth will fit into our community. 

The billionaire developer, Rishi Kapoor from Florida is requesting a zone change of 22 acres across the bridge to the north.  This zone change would go from one house on 10 acres to eight houses on one acre.   It would require putting the sewer and water under the pristine Flathead River.

Its not a matter of IF a sewer pipe would leak,  its a matter of WHEN!  And when it happens it will be left to the taxpayers of Columbia Falls. 

At the last city council meeting a group of well informed experts, outfitter river guides, hydrogeologists, biologist, ecologist, stated many facts of why this is an extremely bad idea, from destroying the river to blocking the wildlife corridor. The planning board unanimously turned this zone change down!  

I spent an afternoon going to different business and asking how they felt about this development.  Not one person was for it or thought it was a good idea and could not believe it was even being proposed!

I found it interesting that at the last meeting the developer and his group never mentioned the word “affordable.”   

These homes will be for people from out of state that want a second home, not for locals that need affordable housing.   He, Rishi Kapoor does not care about the community.  If he did the last thing he would want to do is destroy the wildlife corridor and the Flathead River.  He’ll  line his pockets with gold and be gone.   

I believe that councilor Darin Fisher should recuse himself.   Darin is on the nonprofit board of Gateway to Glacier Trail Group, the group that the developer made a considerable donation to.   

He also hosted a roundtable discussion at his place of business put together by the company the developer owns.   If this isn’t a conflict of interest I don’t know what is. 

If anything, its the ethical thing to do.

Please show up at the City Council meeting April 17th at the Columbia Falls high school and show your support to deny this zone change!

Holly Ford

Columbia Falls