Thursday, May 02, 2024

Just vote “No.”

by Judy Territo
| April 10, 2024 2:00 AM

Just vote “no.” 

On the next School Board Election Ballot which you will receive in April, the Columbia Falls School Board is going to ask the voters to “approve” a $2.5 million dollar bond to repair the roof of the high school.  The roof is bad but what is worse is the gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds that this school board has shown time after time.  

Here is another good reason to not give the school another dime.  For all the money that you pay on your taxes for the Columbia Falls Schools thinking that our children are being educated, we are producing standards at the high school level that are a dismal failure, 73% failure rate in math, 79% failure in science and a 55% failure rate in reading for the ’21-’22 school year.  Until they put education at the forefront they should not be rewarded with more of our hard earned money for any reason.

A few Columbia Falls residents, including myself, have been sitting in on the Columbia Falls school board meetings for over two years now.  When we first started attending we were told by Chairwoman Rocksund that we had “no say” on any of the agenda subjects because we had no children in the school but now she has the audacity to ask us for more money.  Did you know with all the money that you put into our schools through your taxes, that you had “no say?”  Well now is the time to have your “say” and it should be “no!”

Again, vote “no” on the school levy.

Judy Territo

Columbia Falls